Logistics is the coordination of supplies, facilities, and people to manage the operations of an organization. The State of Mississippi uses Logistics functionality in MAGIC to administer Procurement, Fleet Management, and Inventory Management processes. This section provides:
- A high level explanation of each area within Logistics
- An understanding of the Logistic security roles in MAGIC
- Links to purchasing manuals
- Links to control agencies for these functions
- Other important tools and topics
Procurement consists of Purchasing, Contract Management, Registration of Supplier (ROS)/Supplier Self-Service (SUS), and Competitive Procurements (RFxs). The Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) module is utilized for these Procurement-related activities and is fully integrated with the Finance modules within MAGIC. All public, active RFxs and associated attachments can be viewed at MS Contract / Procurement Opportunity Search once published in MAGIC, and the advertisement date is reached. Statewide Contracts and EPLs can also be viewed at this link. This link provides the ability to locate specific RFxs and contracts using multiple search criteria.
SRM is also integrated with the Human Capital Management (HCM) module to maintain workflow for procurement approvals. MAGIC offers a Universal Worklist (UWL) tool for managing approval tasks, receiving alerts, and handling notifications. Purchasing approval, dollar approval thresholds are applied to each manager within the agency’s organizational structure where procurement activities occur.
MAGIC Logistics Information
- NIGP Look Up and Mapping to G/L Accounts
The NIGP Commodity/Services Code is the product of the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, Inc. (NIGP) and is copyrighted material. NIGP Lookup gives full description associated with the codes that are entered on all MAGIC procurement documents (shopping carts, purchase orders, RFxs, etc.)
NIGP GL Mapping accesses a spreadsheet that maps each NIGP 3-digit and 5-digit code to the associated MAGIC General Ledger (G/L) account. This spreadsheet also provides a cross reference to SAAS G/L Accounts, and indicates if a PO is required for a particular product category and G/L combination.
- Purchasing and Catalogs
Purchasing - MAGIC’s Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) module offers e-procurement to buyers and suppliers for the entire procure-to-pay lifecycle. Users of the system can create Purchase Requisitions (Shopping Carts) to initiate the purchasing process or can create a Purchase Order. The SRM system is integrated with the Finance module to offer real-time budget checks. Funds are pre-encumbered when a Shopping Cart, with proper account assignment information, is approved. The Purchase Order is created from the approved Shopping Cart. After the Purchase Order is approved, the pre-encumbrance is released and the encumbrance is created.
MAGIC provides for the following types of Purchase Orders:
- General
- Sole Source
- Emergency
- Catastrophic
Catalogs - MAGIC will provide round trip (punch-out to vendor's website) and internal catalogs in SRM for many of the statewide contracts. Catalogs can be used to view and select products when creating a shopping cart or purchase order in SRM. Catalogs are available for non-MAGIC users via the Statewide Contract web page.
- Strategic Sourcing and Bid Types
Strategic sourcing is a procurement process that continuously improves and re-evaluates the purchasing activities of the State. MAGIC utilizes the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) module to accomplish Strategic Sourcing. Competitive procurements, such as Invitation for Bids (IFBD) and Requests for Proposals (RFPR), are called RFxs. MAGIC allows agencies to create and post RFxs, receive supplier responses, and award procurement opportunities electronically. MAGIC offers a variety of bid types to accommodate different business processes:
- IFBD – Invitation for Bid
- LOCG – Letter of Configuration
- NBID - Negotiated Bid
- NEGC – Negotiated Contract
- OVAR – Oversight Approval Request
- OVEX – Oversight Exempt
- PREQ – Procurement Request
- RFIN – Request for Information
- RFPR – Request for Proposal
- RFQF – Request for Quote Formal
- RFQI – Request for Quote Informal
- Contracts
Statewide and agency contacts are managed in the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) module in MAGIC. Management of contracts includes creation, termination, and amendments. Contract workflow processes will include agency and oversight approvals.
The MAGIC Contract module provides the reporting information required to meet the Mississippi Accountability and Transparency Act of 2008 (MATA), SB2923 (2009 Regular Legislative Session), SB3166 (2010 Regular Legislative Session), and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Stimulus).
Contracts managed within MAGIC include:
- Converted Contract Information
- Contract Download Report Job Aid
- Contracts Included in Conversion
- SAAS Contracts Not Converted to MAGIC
- How to Terminate a Contract
- How to Search for Converted Contracts in MAGIC using the Advanced Search
- Legacy to MAGIC Contract Crosswalk
Contract Documents
- Registration of Supplier & Supplier Self-Service
Suppliers are able to interact electronically with the State of Mississippi in MAGIC. Suppliers register online via the Registration of Supplier (ROS) page. After registering, vendors use the Supplier Self-Service (SUS) portal as their one-stop shop for doing business with the State.
Within SUS, registered suppliers are able to maintain addresses, create and manage contacts, and update product categories for the items they supply. Suppliers can search for bid opportunities; respond to bids, review submitted responses, and display purchase orders.
For more information about supplier registration and supplier self-service, view the Vendors page.
- Fleet Management
Fleet Management utilizes the Plant Maintenance module in MAGIC to track maintenance, fuel usage, and mileage for state-owned vehicles. Users of this module are also able to reserve pooled vehicles, create maintenance plans, and run reports on vehicle statistics. Fleet Records synchronize with the Asset Records to capture cost-related data with the maintenance history of the vehicle. Reports are available in the Business Warehouse for Total Cost of Ownership, Total Cost per Mile, etc.
DFA’s Office of Purchasing, Travel, and Fleet Management (OPTFM) is responsible for coordinating and promoting efficiency and economy in the acquisition, use, maintenance, and disposal of all vehicles owned by the State of Mississippi.
- Inventory Management
Inventory Management aids in efficient management of low-cost goods. MAGIC uses the Inventory Management module to track receipt of goods, total items on hand, location of the items, price, and issuance of goods. Agencies are also able to project the need for items by week, month, or season. Inventory Management is available to all state agencies. Inventory Management allows agencies to build a structure for management of its inventory. Agencies can manage inventory at the agency level or manage inventory at multiple locations (local offices, warehouses, storage rooms, or bins). Inventory Management uses moving average price to determine the cost of a specific item in inventory. Each time a new purchase is made, the value of the inventory item will be calculated.
How to get your agency ready to start using MAGIC’s Inventory Management
Inventory Management is a new statewide system for Mississippi, and MAGIC will be using two agencies to pilot this module. After Go-Live, other agencies may use the Inventory Management module. Once all the tasks are completed, MMRS will upload the file into MAGIC. The agency will then be able to use the Inventory Management module. If your agency is interested in implementing Inventory Management, follow the steps below:- Contact MMRS to discuss a timeline and the steps necessary
- Map each inventory item to the appropriate NIGP code
- Build a file in the correct layout, with the NIGP codes and their current inventory counts
- Indicate a starting price for each item
Once all the tasks are completed, MMRS will upload the file into MAGIC. The agency will then be able to use the Inventory Management module.
- Help Aids
Supplier Relationship Management
- Address Enhancement SRM
- Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) Workflow Information
- How to Process a P1 in MAGIC
Supplier (Vendor) Information
- Roles
- Quick Links