The State of Mississippi, Department of Finance and Administration (DFA), requires new vendors to register for electronic payment via the State's e-payment and remittance channel. These requirements are outlined in DFA's Administrative Rule - Mandatory E-Payments to Vendors effective July 1, 2006. The State's current processor for e-payments and remittance to vendors is Bank of America. The product used is PayMode®. Enrollment in PayMode is simple, takes less than 10 minutes to initiate, and can be easily completed online at If a vendor requires personal assistance, the vendor can call Bank of America toll-free at (866) 252-7366.

Procedures for new vendor set-up are found in the MAAPP Manual in the Vendor File Maintenance section 17.20.05 and in the related section on requirements for requesting an exemption from electronic payment found in section 17.10.20. Contracts, except those for contract workers paid in SPAHRS or for contractors exempted from this rule, must include the following language;

Payments by State agencies using MAGIC

Mississippi's Accountability System for Government information and Collaboration shall be made and remittance information provided electronically as directed by the State. These payments shall be deposited into the bank account of the Contractor's choice. The State may, at its sole discretion, require the Contractor to submit invoices and supporting documentation electronically at any time during the term of this Agreement. Contractor understands and agrees that the State is exempt from the payment of taxes. All payments shall be in United States currency. If you have questions, please call the MMRS Call Center at (601) 359-1343.

Schedule of Availability

PayMode is available to users 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If PayMode is unavailable, an appropriate message will be posted on the PayMode website.

PayMode Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

MMRS Applications