Welcome to Mississippi's eProcurement system. This system is designed to streamline interactions between vendors and State government entities that purchase goods and services, and provide vendors the ability to register, get information on upcoming bids, and respond to bids electronically, and receive purchase orders electronically.
To determine whether you are a registered supplier (converted vendor) in MAGIC, go to the MAGIC Vendor Information page and follow the steps below:
- Enter the first five characters of your Vendor Name or your 11 digit SAAS Vendor Number
- Click Submit
If you are a converted vendor, you will see your MAGIC Vendor Number, SAAS Vendor Number, Vendor Name, City, State, and Zip displayed. If your vendor information does not exist in MAGIC, you will see "The query you submitted returned no records." Converted vendors need to submit an email via mash@dfa.ms.gov to request a MAGIC User ID and Password. Enter "Vendor ID Request" as the email Subject, and include the following information in your email:
- MAGIC Vendor Number
- Vendor Name
- Contact Name
- Contact Email Address
- Contact Phone Number
If you are not a registered supplier and you wish to do business with the State of Mississippi, go to State of Mississippi Supplier Registration to register. If you attempt to complete the registration process and you are already a converted vendor in MAGIC, you will receive a duplicate error message. Please call the MMRS Call Center at (601) 359-1343, Option 2 for assistance in locating your vendor information.
If you do not wish to use the State of Mississippi Supplier Self Registration process, you will need to complete the Supplier Registration Form and contact the State of Mississippi agency you desire to do business with to complete the registration process.
How to Request an Update to Your Supplier or Grantee Administrator Contact
A supplier or grantee administrator contact change can be requested by completing the Supplier/Grantee Self-Service Request for Change form and submitting the form by clicking on the Submit button in the upper right-hand corner of the form. You can also fax the form to (601) 359-6551. Please see the Phishing Awareness Notification - Posted March 5, 2019.