The NEOGOV Insight system provides a streamlined process for the applicant recruiting and tracking processes managed by the Mississippi State Personnel Board (MSPB). The NEOGOV Insight system allows MSPB to create and post job openings online, as well as, track, evaluate, and refer applicants to State Agencies.
The system also allows State Agency NEOGOV users to request recruitments for job openings, access referred applicants, and track the applicant recruitment process for scheduled interviews, offers made, applicants rejected, and applicants hired. In addition, NEOGOV provides a robust applicant portal for advertising employment opportunities and enhancing the acceptance of online portal applications. For additional information regarding the NEOGOV Insight system, visit the Mississippi State Personnel Board's website at: Mississippi State Personnel Board - Job Openings. For NEOGOV functional support, contact MSPB at (601) 359-1406.
NEOGOV Information
- Schedule of Availability
NEOGOV is available to State agencies and applicants 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Quarterly enhancements of new product features and capabilities are rolled out on an ongoing basis by NEOGOV and may require some downtime. The State of Mississippi will be notified at least two weeks prior to any scheduled outage. Notices are generated and sent via email to the system administrators and their backups. During a system outage, a notification page is displayed stating the system is undergoing maintenance and also states the scheduled outage times.
- Tutorials
To sample the NEOGOV Insight system, State Agencies can access online tutorials from the NEOGOV website by the following the steps below:
- Click on 'Login' in the upper right-hand corner of the page
- Enter Username: neogovuniversity
- Enter Password: learning
- Select the 'Insight - Human Resources' radio button, click login
- Click on ‘Help & Support’ in the upper right-hand corner of the page
- Click on the ‘Getting Started’ tab
- Click on ‘New User Training’ under 'Implementation Resources'
- Choose from the 'New User Training Instructions' Series A - D