AHS State Network

The AHS State Network is comprised of physicians, hospitals and other health care providers within the state of Mississippi. The network is available exclusively to Plan participants and is responsible for recruiting, credentialing, and communicating with providers. Providers participating in the network agree to accept the allowable charge established by the network and agree to file claims for participants.

Participants may choose any covered participating or nonparticipating provider, primary care or specialist, however, using providers that participate in the Network provides participants the maximum benefits available through the Plan. Participants who choose a nonparticipating provider will be responsible for paying any fees charged over the allowable charge, in addition to paying a higher annual deductible (for those participants under Select Coverage) and higher coinsurance amounts for covered services.

AHS State Network (in state)

BlueCard® is a national program offered through the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, an association of independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans that enables participants to obtain in-network health care service benefits while traveling or living outside of Mississippi. With this program, participants have access to a national network of Blue Cross and Blue Shield plan contracted health care providers, called "Blue Plan" providers. Participants have access to the BlueCard Program across the country. This seamless program affords participants the ability to use any “Blue Plan” network doctor or network hospital in any location.

Go to State Network or BlueCard Program to search a participating health provider.

Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi - view health benefits and claims, and Minnesota Life coverage and beneficiary information.