Joanna Ragan, BFD Director

The Bureau of Financial Documents (BFD) is responsible for maintaining and archiving the financial records for all state agencies. BFD is also responsible for providing accounting reconciliations, balancing and some testing services for the State’s portal, Mississippi.Gov. The Bureau of Financial Documents responsibilities include:

  • Establish internal policies and procedures for imaging all financial documents for interface with MAGIC & SPAHRS travel vouchers
  • Maintain a document repository for storage and retrieval of the State’s financial documents
  • Provide assistance to State agencies and the general public by retrieving records upon request
  • Provide accounting and reconciliation services for Mississippi.Gov operations
  • Assist in design, testing, agency training to support portal operations
  • Provide portal policy input to management on portal operations, accounting procedures and Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS)
  • Maintain State's MAGIC Master Vendor File
  • Maintain State's MAGIC Master Material Numbers

Internal Control