The manual sets forth all the laws, regulations, and other related information that applies to the procurement of commodities and equipment, whether purchased, leased, or rented. It is intended to be a thorough representation of procedures relative to purchasing by all state entities. Also, it serves as an excellent resource of information for vendors, relating to procedures that must be followed in doing business with the State of Mississippi. The current Mississippi Procurement Manual is effective January 1, 2018.
The Office of Purchasing and Travel publishes job aids, forms, and memos in the downloadable (PDF) format which may be viewed with an Adobe Acrobat viewer.
The Adobe Acrobat reader software is available for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac's, and selected Unix operating systems. It may be downloaded from Adobe System's World-wide Web or FTP servers at no charge. There is also an Acrobat Tutorial available on the Internet.
Manual Chapters
- Chapter 1 - General Provisions
- Chapter 2 - Procurement Organization
- Chapter 3 - Source Selection and Contract Formation
- Chapter 4 - Specifications
- Chapter 5 - Modification and Termination of Contracts for Commodities
- Chapter 6 - Legal and Contractual Remedies
- Chapter 7 - Intergovernmental Relations
- Chapter 8 - Disposal of Personal Property
- Chapter 9 - Ethics in Public Contracting
- Chapter 10 - Special Procedures
- Appendix - Summary of Laws
- Changes - Manual-wide Changes