Competitive Contracts

Established on the basis of written specifications and sealed competitive bids with a contract being awarded to the vendor that has submitted the lowest bid that meets the specifications.

Negotiated Contracts

Entered into when a commodity is used by multiple state agencies and a standard specification fails to meet the needs of a majority of the state agencies.

Statewide Agency Contracts

Established on the basis of competitive bids or negotiation by a specific agency. These agency contracts are approved by the Office of Purchasing and Travel for use by all state agencies and governing authorities to purchase specific products from the vendor.

Cooperative Contracts

Procurement conducted by, or on behalf of, more than one Public Procurement Unit, or by a Public Procurement Unit with an External Procurement Activity.

The Mississippi Industries for the Blind is a state agency and body politic and corporate. Miss. Code Ann. Section 43-3-101. It was created to establish industries, businesses and shops for the employment of the blind and other persons, to employ blind persons whose training is not otherwise provided for and to market their products, and to furnish materials, tools and books for use in rehabilitating blind persons for employment, and to do any and all other things for blind persons as it deems advisable. Sections 43-3-107. Miss. Code Ann. Miss. Code Ann.

Section 31-7-13 (m) (xxiv) exempts from advertising and bidding requirements set forth in the statute, purchases made by state agencies or governing authorities involving any item that is manufactured, processed, or produced by the Mississippi Industries for the Blind.

Master Lease Purchase Program


Resources Manuals and Guidelines


Reverse Auction and Bidding