Reverse Auction

SB 2024 was passed during the 2021 Legislative session. This bill amends MS Code Section 31-7-13 and includes the language below. If the entity is awarding a term contract as defined in Section 31-7-13(n), reverse auction shall not be used for the procurement. Entities will use the competitive sealed bidding process for these procurements and no approval or exemption is required from PPRB. However, reverse auction shall not be used for any public contract for design or construction of public facilities, including buildings, roads and bridges and term contracts as provided in paragraph (n) of this section.

Governing Authorities

If a governing authority receives an exemption from the use of reverse auction, competitive sealed bids are solicited and the resulting award must be approved by PPRB, before a purchase is made or a contract is signed. Bid documents should be sent to OPTFM, to be placed on the next Board agenda. The documentation must include:

  • Winning bid
  • Bid Tabulation
  • Bid specifications
  • MPTAP notification
  • Newspaper advertisement

If a contract is approved by the PPRB, any extension or renewal of that contract must also be approved by the Board.


Master Lease Purchase Program


Reverse Auction and Bidding